Juniper Firewood

Western juniper firewood is one of the more dense softwoods and has a higher heat output compared to most other softwoods. In areas of the interior west in the US, where hardwoods are not abundant, juniper is considered to be the best alternative to hardwoods. It burns fairly long, is easy to light, making it good for starting fires and making kindling.

It is know for popping and sparking a lot as it burns. It is clean burning and has a nice aroma, similar to cedar both from the smoke and from the wood itself. Found in the arid interior of Oregon California, Washington, Idaho and Nevada.

Alligator juniper firewood is common in Arizona and has similar burning characteristics.

Utah juniper also called shaggy juniper or shag bark juniper grows throughout the interior of the west and has similar firewood characteristics. It also has shaggy bark which makes it easier to light and can be used as kindling.

Juniper Firewood BTU

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20 thoughts on “Juniper Firewood”

  1. I like to cut a chord of Juniper every year. It is a good wood for burning. The wood and smoke are aromatic. The wood is beautiful and the sawdust smell is very pleasant. The ash is white and soft. The problem is the trees are stunted thick at the bottom and quickly narrows. Height of the trees are 12 to 20 feet tall and ver limby. A lot of work for little wood but you’ll love the fire and smoke. I imagine it would make good wood for furniture, turning, small decorative wood products.

  2. I would like to buy some juniper wood for camping. I live in Cartersville GA.

  3. residents on the Duck Valley Reservation-Owyhee, Nevada are interested in purchasing firewood- juniper or cottonwood, please provide the cost. do you deliver

  4. In my experience in shaggy and alligator juniper there isn’t a lot of sparking or popping when properly seasoned

  5. please let me know if you can ship it. we live on Long Island but were recently in Sedona and the smell of the juniper wood burning is stick in my head!! Let me know how much a cord would be to ship.

  6. The man who cleaned my fireplace said that shaggy bark woods contain radon and give it off in the smoke, which can make you sick. Is this true?

  7. Rick, I am a firewood sales company, and I have Boxes of Dry Oregon Juniper firewood…I could UPS you several boxes of wood if you desire.

    Rodney Pekarek
    Double P Firewood Providers

  8. How many average sized western juniper trees does it take to equal a cord of wood?

  9. It would take like 7 or 8 maybe more trees to make a cord, I was cutting junipers just wood for myself/hobbie I lost count of number of trees I cut and might have 2 cords, since they vary in size so much the bigger ones aren’t as abundant as smaller ones and they grow thick at bottom lower section but get narrow and smaller upwards, it was a lot of work but I enjoy just being out there doing it. Wish I could do it for a living lol.

  10. Juniper is plentiful here in OR but very little hardwood. Don’t find it easy to get burning even with a log lighter. Mixed with pin it finally gets going. This is for s fireplace not a wood stove

  11. Juniper works great as bbq wood. Burned oak all my life in California but moving to Nevada made that too expensive. Our ranch in Oregon is loaded with juniper so I decided to try it. I love the ease of controlling the heat level and flavor that it imparts on the meat.

  12. I burn between 8-12 cords per year to heat a 2600 sq ft home. I live in N. Nevada. Some trees yield more than a cord and others much less. If you find an old burn the bark is either gone or will peel off. Much cleaner to use and bring in the house.

  13. Would like to know what it would cost to purchase and ship Utah juniper or alligator juniper to Connecticut.

  14. I’m guessing probably a good more than the ~$300/cord for the wood itself. You’d probably want a driver who needs to transport a pickup across the country for some reason and is willing to have it filled with wood.

  15. I live in Beaverton Oregon and am looking for 1/4 to 1/2 cord of seasoned Juniper. Let me know.

  16. I live in Ritter Oregon which is located on the Eastern side of the state in the middle of nowhere. We have a ton of Juniper trees reaching to heights of 85 feet. Some of them are over 30 inches in diameter at the base and make great firewood (I burn it myself) and I also make dimensional lumber out of it which works great for cabinets, countertops and etc. If anyone wants any just let me know. 509-730-6643.

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