Catalpa Firewood

Catalpa firewood is usually not a favorite, but as with all wood, it burns fine when it is dry. Catalpa is often called a softwood, but is technically a hardwood, but one of the softer low density hardwoods. Catalpa wood is good for starting fires and will put out heat just fine, but it will burn up quickly and you will have to keep putting wood on the fire if you want an extended burn. Not the wood to use or an over nighter.

Catalpa Firewood BTU

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5 thoughts on “Catalpa Firewood”

  1. I have a catawba tree that needs to come down. Any suggestions on what wood is good for. I.e. BBQ , fire place, or fire pit etc. Thanks

  2. Fence post larger wood timbers 1700 was used for railroad ties. Will put out heat but burns fast if used for firewood

  3. Because it is good for high moisture areas, does it take longer to dry? I have one available for firewood next door and plan to take it. Mine usually sits 1 year plus depending when I get it in and put up.

  4. A neighbor who has a sickly looking grove of it and wants others to clean it up for him and feel as tho they owe him (exactly how he views it also, telks me the wood is better than oak or hickory. Burns hot and leaves big bed of coals. Is what he claims.
    I believe this is the same guy that while I was on vacation traded me elm and other crappy burning wood for my. Good oak wood stacked next to my barn and is commenting how my stolen wood burns.

  5. I just got a load for camping wood in the RV. It was cut, right at the street and free. All I have to do is split and stack. Took me a hour to load and will take 3 hours to split and stack. The best wood is easy free wood.

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